
Aug 2023 - Ford Fair

The time has come for our first car show of 2023 and it doesn’t feel like five minutes since the last. This year will be our eighth time attending Ford Fair at Silverstone and it only gets better every year.

2023 Stand

What a difference it was this year, compared to when we began attending in 2015. Of course, at that point, the most recent models of Fords included the Fiesta Mk7.5, the Focus Mk3.5 and the Mustang Mk6. We now offer a wide range of products for the Fiesta Mk8 and Mk8.5, Focus Mk4 and Mk4.5 and the Mustang Mk6.5 GT. Check out one of our earliest setups at Ford Fair featuring our old Focus Mk3 RS:

Ford Fair Old Stand

We also made a big change to our stand this year. We made the decision to include a separate tent where out customers could place online orders to avoid disappointment of missing out on the exclusive prices if any parts sold out quickly.

Anyway, enough reminiscing, lets get back to 2023. The date is the 12th of August and the Maxton Team have assembled at our HQ ready for a big weekend. With two vans full of merchandise, clothing and of course, Maxton Design styling products, we couldn’t wait to get started. After a two and a half hour journey heading south down the A1 we could set up our stand.

Setting up Ford Fair 23

With the stand set up, products unloaded and organised, we secured the tents and set off for the hotel and fuelled up for what was to be a non-stop day of trading.

Up bright and early on Sunday 13th, we made our way back to Silverstone. It was finally time to welcome the public.

Maxton stand with public

We had a wide variety of products available on the day of the show, from Front Splitters to Rear Diffusers, all available at exclusive prices. Naturally, petrol-heads flocked to our stand to grab themselves a bargain on the best styling parts on the market (according to us anyway).

Serving Customers

It was great seeing so many cars fitted with Maxton Design styling parts on display at the show. Front Splitters, Rear Diffusers, Spoiler Caps and more were all on show, modelled by a range of Fords.

Maxton products at Ford Fair

And with that, it was time to head home. With another increasingly successful year at Ford Fair under the belt, let’s hope for more of the same in 2024. Feel free to check out our YouTube video here.